SageMaker + RStudio to Predict Home Prices w/ Multi-class XGBoost; Explaining Model Behavior with Geospacial Plots and SHAP

Interpretable Multi-class XGBoost with SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP)

In this post I explore an Austin, TX real estate dataset and predict binned housing price. EDA includes static and interactive geospacial maps and natural language processing (NLP) feature engineering.

In my RStudio I utilize a conda environment to access SageMaker’s XGBoost, S3, and EC2 for distributed computing.

After model training/tuning/evaluation I ran batch inference with the best performing model to predict the price of Austin homes in holdout data and then submitted predictions to the Kaggle competition. Multiclass Log Loss was the evaluation algorithm and my submission scored 0.8876 (mlogloss), which would have placed 6th (out of 90 entries) in the live competition.

Finally I build SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) plots to understand what the XGBoost model considered important features and how it clustered similar observations.


The goal is to predict the binned priceRange of Austin, TX homes. The data can be found at Kaggle. Let’s dive in.

train_raw <- read_csv("~/Documents/R/data_warz/content/post/2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/train.csv")

holdout <- read_csv("~/Documents/R/data_warz/content/post/2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/test.csv")

##  [1] "uid"                        "city"                      
##  [3] "description"                "homeType"                  
##  [5] "latitude"                   "longitude"                 
##  [7] "garageSpaces"               "hasSpa"                    
##  [9] "yearBuilt"                  "numOfPatioAndPorchFeatures"
## [11] "lotSizeSqFt"                "avgSchoolRating"           
## [13] "MedianStudentsPerTeacher"   "numOfBathrooms"            
## [15] "numOfBedrooms"              "priceRange"

#names(holdout) # lacks priceRange

##      0-250000 250000-350000 350000-450000 450000-650000 
##          1249          2356          2301          2275 
##       650000+ 
##          1819

Are Austin house prices clustered by neighborhoods? Do prices change near highways, airports, etc? Downtown vs. suburbs?


We can use the {leaflet} package to build interactive maps overlayed with our data. Unfortunately, these plots do not render in markdown files, so I’ve provided screenshots. Zooming into different neighborhoods can quickly help you understand the real estate scene in Austin.

q <- train_raw %>%
     mutate(priceRange_bin = parse_number(priceRange))

#scico::scico_palette_show(palettes = scico_palette_names())

pal <- colorNumeric(palette = scico(6, palette = 'buda'),
                    domain = q$priceRange_bin)

m <- leaflet(q) %>% 
     addTiles() %>% 
     addCircles(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude, 
                color = ~pal(priceRange_bin), opacity = 0.8) %>% 
     setView(lng = -97.75, lat = 30.3, zoom = 12 ) %>% 
     addProviderTiles("Stamen.TonerLines") %>%
     addProviderTiles("Stamen.TonerLabels") %>% 
               pal       = pal, 
               values    = ~priceRange_bin,
               title     = "Price", 
               labFormat = labelFormat(prefix = "$"),
               opacity   = 1)

I want to see multiple features distributed on a similar map. Let’s build hex plots for the numeric predictors and use {patchwork} to make one nice plot.

plot_hex <- function(var, title) {
  q %>%
    ggplot(aes(longitude, latitude, z = {{var}})) +
    stat_summary_hex(bins = 40) +
    scico::scale_fill_scico(palette = 'imola') +
    labs(fill = "Avg", title = title) +

(plot_hex(priceRange_bin,"Price")      + plot_hex(avgSchoolRating, "School Rating")) /
(plot_hex(yearBuilt,"Year Built")      + plot_hex(log(lotSizeSqFt),"Lot size (log)"))/
(plot_hex(garageSpaces,"Garages")      + plot_hex(MedianStudentsPerTeacher, "Median Student/Teacher")) / 
(plot_hex(numOfBathrooms, "Bathrooms") + plot_hex(numOfBedrooms,"Bedrooms")) 

I’m going to drop city for being imballanced. I don’t trust humans to tally numOfPatioAndPorchFeatures consistently, but we’ll keep it in. Ditto for hasSpa.

drop1 <- plot_hex(priceRange_bin,"Price by city") +

drop2 <- plot_hex(numOfPatioAndPorchFeatures, "# Patio Features")

drop3 <- plot_hex(priceRange_bin,"Price by hasSpa") +

(drop1 + drop2) / (drop3 + plot_spacer())

I always like making density plots of numeric features for classification predictions. Just another way to see if any category stands out within a feature.

dense <- q %>%
         select(-c(uid, city, description, homeType, 
                   hasSpa, priceRange_bin, yearBuilt)) %>%
         pivot_longer(cols = c(garageSpaces, avgSchoolRating, MedianStudentsPerTeacher,
                               numOfBathrooms, numOfBedrooms, longitude, latitude), 
                      names_to = "feature", 
                      values_to = "value")

ggplot(dense, aes(value, fill = priceRange)) +
  geom_density(alpha = .5) +
  facet_wrap(~ feature, scales = "free") +
  labs(title = "Numeric features impacting priceRange") +
  ggdark::dark_theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.45, 0.2),
        legend.background = element_rect(fill = "black", color = "white"))

Between the maps, hex-plots and density plots, it seems latitude, longitude, avgSchoolRating, and MedianStudentsPerTeacher will be good predictors of priceRange.

NLP - Can we find important words in description to engineer some features?

Let’s borrow some tricks from Julia Silge, the OG of text-mining in R, to identify important words and then add dummy variables for important words found in an observations description.

austin_text <- train_raw %>%
               mutate(priceRange = parse_number(priceRange) + 100000) %>% 
               # make bin categories numeric so we can run glm
               unnest_tokens(word, description) %>% 
               # Splits column into tokens, flattening table into one-token-per-row.
               anti_join(get_stopwords()) # Removes stop words

austin_text %>% count(word, sort = TRUE)

## # A tibble: 17,944 × 2
##    word         n
##    <chr>    <int>
##  1 home     11620
##  2 kitchen   5721
##  3 room      5494
##  4 austin    4918
##  5 new       4772
##  6 large     4771
##  7 2         4585
##  8 bedrooms  4571
##  9 contains  4413
## 10 3         4386
## # … with 17,934 more rows

Find word frequencies per priceRange bin for the top 100 words.

top_words <- austin_text %>%
             count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
             filter(!word %in% as.character(1:5)) %>% # removing numbers
             slice_max(n, n = 100) %>% # 100 most frequent words

word_freqs <- austin_text %>%
              count(word, priceRange) %>%
              complete(word, priceRange, fill = list(n = 0)) %>%   # 0 instead of NA
              group_by(priceRange) %>%
              mutate(price_total = sum(n), proportion = n / price_total) %>%
              ungroup() %>%
              filter(word %in% top_words)


## # A tibble: 500 × 5
##    word       priceRange     n price_total proportion
##    <chr>           <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 access         100000   180       56290    0.00320
##  2 access         350000   365      114853    0.00318
##  3 access         450000   322      116678    0.00276
##  4 access         550000   294      125585    0.00234
##  5 access         750000   248      112073    0.00221
##  6 appliances     100000   209       56290    0.00371
##  7 appliances     350000   583      114853    0.00508
##  8 appliances     450000   576      116678    0.00494
##  9 appliances     550000   567      125585    0.00451
## 10 appliances     750000   391      112073    0.00349
## # … with 490 more rows

Build a glm that shows word frequency increasing across priceRange bins or decreasing across priceRange bins.

word_mods <- word_freqs %>%
  nest(data = c(priceRange, n, price_total, proportion)) %>%
  mutate(model = map(data, ~ glm(cbind(n, price_total) ~ priceRange, ., family = "binomial")),
         model = map(model, tidy)) %>%
  unnest(model) %>%
  filter(term == "priceRange") %>% # want slope and not intercept
  mutate(adj.pvalue = p.adjust(p.value)) %>%  # adjusting p-values for imbalanced words


## # A tibble: 100 × 8
##    word     data     term    estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##    <chr>    <list>   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 outdoor  <tibble… priceR…  3.25e-6   1.85e-7     17.6  4.41e-69
##  2 custom   <tibble… priceR…  2.14e-6   1.47e-7     14.6  4.14e-48
##  3 pool     <tibble… priceR…  1.59e-6   1.22e-7     13.0  6.52e-39
##  4 office   <tibble… priceR…  1.50e-6   1.46e-7     10.3  6.85e-25
##  5 suite    <tibble… priceR…  1.43e-6   1.39e-7     10.3  4.53e-25
##  6 gorgeous <tibble… priceR…  9.75e-7   1.62e-7      6.02 1.73e- 9
##  7 w        <tibble… priceR…  9.20e-7   9.05e-8     10.2  2.74e-24
##  8 windows  <tibble… priceR…  8.90e-7   1.28e-7      6.95 3.75e-12
##  9 private  <tibble… priceR…  8.89e-7   1.15e-7      7.70 1.35e-14
## 10 car      <tibble… priceR…  7.78e-7   1.66e-7      4.69 2.67e- 6
## # … with 90 more rows, and 1 more variable: adj.pvalue <dbl>

These are the words we want to detect and use as a feature for our xgboost model, rather than using all the text tokens as features individually.

higher_words <- word_mods %>%
                filter(p.value < 0.05) %>%
                slice_max(estimate, n = 12) %>%
lower_words <- word_mods %>%
               filter(p.value < 0.05) %>%
               slice_max(-estimate, n = 12) %>%

Let’s plot how often the most significant words show up in the different priceRange bins. These are the words that most associate with price decrease and increase.

high <- word_freqs %>% 
        filter(word %in% higher_words) %>%
        ggplot(aes(priceRange, proportion, color = word)) +
        geom_line(size = 2.5, alpha = 0.7, show.legend = FALSE) +
        facet_wrap(vars(word), scales = "free") +
        scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::dollar) +
        scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(0, NA)) +
        labs(x = NULL, y = "% of word in home description at price",
             title = "12 Expensive Words")

low <- word_freqs %>% 
       filter(word %in% lower_words) %>%
       ggplot(aes(priceRange, proportion, color = word)) +
       geom_line(size = 2.5, alpha = 0.7, show.legend = FALSE) +
       facet_wrap(vars(word), scales = "free") +
       scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::dollar) +
       scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(0, NA)) +
       labs(x = NULL, y = "% of word in home description at price",
            title = "12 Cheap Words") 


Some of these words show up in a great linear trend across the priceRange bins. I assume XGBoost will find them useful.


Before we plug data into SageMaker’s XGBoost, we need to tranform the target priceRange into a factor of numbers. It is NOT recommended to transform the target inside a recipe. To transform the predictors and add our engineered high/low word variables, we’ll use {tidymodels} recipe that we can easily apply to our train/test/validation/holdout data.

train_raw$priceRange <- factor(recode(train_raw$priceRange,
                                      "0-250000"      = "0", 
                                      "250000-350000" = "1",
                                      "350000-450000" = "2",
                                      "450000-650000" = "3", 
                                      "650000+"       = "4"), 
                               levels = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4"))

head(train_raw$priceRange, n = 20)

##  [1] 4 2 0 0 4 3 4 0 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 0 4 2
## Levels: 0 1 2 3 4

Split data

# Make 75/12.5/12.5 Train/Validate/Test split
splits  <- initial_split(train_raw, prop = 0.75, strata = priceRange)

train <- training(splits)
other <- testing(splits)

splits2 <- initial_split(other, prop = 0.50, strata = priceRange)
validation <- training(splits2)
test <- testing(splits2)

# Before predicting holdout data, refit best models on train+validation data.
tr_val <- bind_rows(train, validation) 


## <Analysis/Assess/Total>
## <7498/2502/10000>


## <Analysis/Assess/Total>
## <1249/1253/2502>

Let’s add only the most significant high/low words. If they help the model, we could tinker with these features more.

Build Recipe

Drop city and description, reduce the sparse categories in hometype to an other category, then dummy both hasSpa and homeType. XGBoost only works with numeric data.

higher_words_6 <- word_mods %>%
                   filter(p.value < 0.05) %>%
                   slice_max(estimate, n = 6) %>%

lower_words_5 <- word_mods %>%
                  filter(p.value < 0.05) %>%
                  slice_max(-estimate, n = 5) %>%

higher_pat <- glue::glue_collapse(higher_words_6, sep = "|")
lower_pat <- glue::glue_collapse(lower_words_5, sep = "|")

rec_austin1 <-
  recipe(priceRange ~ ., data = train) %>%
  step_regex(description, pattern = higher_pat, result = "high_price_words") %>%
  step_regex(description, pattern = lower_pat, result = "low_price_words") %>%
  step_rm(c(uid, city, description)) %>%
  step_mutate(hasSpa = as.factor(hasSpa)) %>%
  step_novel(homeType) %>% 
  step_unknown(homeType) %>% 
  step_other(homeType, threshold = 0.02) %>%
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%

Transform Data

After running prep() on the training data, bake() applies the recipe steps to each split data. XGBoost needs the target variable priceRange to be the first column.

austin_training <-   rec_austin1 %>% 
                     juice() %>% 
                     select(priceRange, everything()) # put priceRange as 1st column

austin_validation <- bake(rec_austin1, new_data = validation) %>% 
                     select(priceRange, everything())

austin_test <-       bake(rec_austin1, new_data = test) %>% 
                     select(priceRange, everything()) 

austin_holdout <-    bake(rec_austin1, new_data = holdout) 
                     # priceRange not in this data

austin_tr_val <-     bake(rec_austin1, new_data = tr_val) %>%
                     select(priceRange, everything())

id_holdout <- holdout %>% select(uid) # save for batch inference at end

Save all these data locally, then send them over to your S3 bucket on AWS.

dir.create("../2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/data") # local

write_csv(austin_training, col_names = FALSE,

write_csv(austin_validation, col_names = FALSE,

write_csv(austin_test %>% select(-priceRange),  col_names = FALSE,

write_csv(austin_test, col_names = TRUE,  # Need this later to use with results
write_csv(austin_holdout, col_names = FALSE,

# Need this later to use with holdout results
write_csv(id_holdout, col_names = FALSE,

write_csv(austin_tr_val, col_names = FALSE,

AWS SageMaker

Start up your conda environment in RStudio for running AWS SageMaker

use_condaenv("sagemaker-r", required = TRUE)
sagemaker <- import("sagemaker")
session <- sagemaker$Session()

Set up your S3 bucket.

bucket <- "twarczak-sagemaker7"
project <- "austin"    # keep short. 
data_path <- paste0("s3://", bucket, "/", project, "/", "data")
models_path <- paste0("s3://", bucket, "/", project, "/", "models")

Send your split data to S3. XGBoost will find your data in the S3 bucket.

s3_uploader <- sagemaker$s3$S3Uploader()

s3_train <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/data/austin_training.csv", desired_s3_uri = data_path)

s3_validation <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/data/austin_validation.csv", desired_s3_uri = data_path)

s3_test <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/data/austin_test.csv", desired_s3_uri = data_path)

s3_test_full <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/data/austin_test_2.csv", desired_s3_uri = data_path)

s3_holdout <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/data/austin_holdout.csv", desired_s3_uri = data_path)

s3_tr_val <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-austin-r-xgb-house-price/data/austin_tr_val.csv", desired_s3_uri = data_path)


Set up AWS credentials so RStudio can talk to AWS, grab SageMaker’s built-in XGBoost, and start your EC2 instance to begin modeling.

region <- session$boto_region_name
container <- sagemaker$image_uris$retrieve(framework = "xgboost", 
                                           region    = region, 
                                           version   = "1.3-1" )

role_arn <- Sys.getenv("SAGEMAKER_ROLE_ARN")

xgb_estimator <- sagemaker$estimator$Estimator(image_uri          = container,
                                               role               = role_arn,
                                               instance_count     = 1L,
                                               instance_type      = "ml.m4.16xlarge", 
                                               volume_size        = 50L, 
                                               output_path        = models_path,
                                               sagemaker_session  = session,
                                               use_spot_instances = TRUE,
                                               max_run            = 1800L,
                                               max_wait           = 3600L )

Set your first XGBoost model w/ baseline parameters. Use softprob multiclass because we’ll need to send Kaggle a probability for each category of priceRange. Set mlogloss because that’s the evaluation algorithm we’ll be scored on.

xgb_estimator$set_hyperparameters(objective        = "multi:softprob",
                                  eval_metric      = "mlogloss",
                                  num_class        = 5L, # necessary for multiclass
                                  max_depth        = 5L, 
                                  eta              = 0.1,
                                  num_round        = 70L,
                                  colsample_bytree = 0.4,
                                  alpha            = 1L,
                                  min_child_weight = 1.1,
                                  subsample        = 0.7,
                                  gamma            = 0.01)

Give SageMaker models you build a unique identifier. Tell XGBoost where your data is in S3.

algo           <- "xgb"    # keep short
timestamp      <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") # timestamp
job_name_a     <- paste(project, algo, timestamp, sep = "-")
s3_train_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_train, content_type = 'csv')
s3_valid_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_validation, content_type = 'csv')
input_data     <- list('train'      = s3_train_input,
                       'validation' = s3_valid_input)

Fit first XGBoost model on training data you sent to S3 bucket.

xgb_estimator$fit(inputs   = input_data,
                  job_name = job_name_a,
                  wait     = FALSE)

Evaluate model

training_job_stats <- session$describe_training_job(job_name = "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-07-45")
final_metrics_a <-  map_df(training_job_stats$FinalMetricDataList, 
                           ~tibble(metric_name = .x[["MetricName"]],
                                   value = .x[["Value"]]))


## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   metric_name         value
##   <chr>               <dbl>
## 1 train:mlogloss      0.860
## 2 validation:mlogloss 1.01

Evaluate model on test data

predictions_path_1 <- paste0(models_path, "/", "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-07-45", "/predictions") 

xgb_batch_predictor_1 <- xgb_estimator$transformer(instance_count     = 1L, 
                                                   instance_type      = "ml.m4.16xlarge", 
                                                   strategy           = "MultiRecord",
                                                   assemble_with      = "Line",
                                                   output_path        = predictions_path_1)

xgb_batch_predictor_1$transform(data         = s3_test,  # test set LACKING the TRUE `priceRange`
                                content_type = 'text/csv',
                                split_type   = "Line",
                                job_name     = "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-07-45",
                                wait         = FALSE)

Compare predictions for the test data to actual priceRange “truth”. Download the predicted priceRange for every observation.

s3_downloader <- sagemaker$s3$S3Downloader()
s3_test_predictions_path_1 <- s3_downloader$list(predictions_path_1)
s3_downloader$download(s3_test_predictions_path_1, "./predictions")
test_predictions_1 <- read_csv("./predictions/austin_test.csv.out", col_names = FALSE )

To get data in the correct format, do some wrangling. This is annoying.

test_predictions_1.2 <- test_predictions_1 %>% 
                      transmute("0-250000"      = X1,
                                "250000-350000" = X2,
                                "350000-450000" = X3,
                                "450000-650000" = X4,
                                "650000+"       = X5 )

# Need to get rid of brackets
test_predictions_1.2$`0-250000` <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(test_predictions_1.2$`0-250000`,
                                                              "\\[|\\]", ""))

test_predictions_1.2$`650000+` <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(test_predictions_1.2$`650000+`,
                                                             "\\[|\\]", "")) 

austin_test <- read_csv("./data/austin_test_2.csv") # test set WITH the TRUE `priceRange`

test_results_1 <- austin_test %>% 
                  select(priceRange) %>% 
                  bind_cols(test_predictions_1.2) %>% 
                  rename(Truth = priceRange) %>% 
                  mutate(Truth = case_when(Truth == "0" ~ "0-250000", 
                                           Truth == "1" ~ "250000-350000",
                                           Truth == "2" ~ "350000-450000",
                                           Truth == "3" ~ "450000-650000", 
                                           Truth == "4" ~ "650000+"      ))

Now we can understand the results. Each row sums to 1. Each column contains the probability the observations can be classified in that priceRange bin.


## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##   Truth         `0-250000` `250000-350000` `350000-450000` `450000-650000`
##   <chr>              <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
## 1 650000+          0.0106          0.0134          0.0338           0.103 
## 2 650000+          0.00567         0.00782         0.0120           0.0328
## 3 350000-450000    0.121           0.504           0.299            0.0580
## 4 350000-450000    0.0910          0.237           0.386            0.243 
## 5 0-250000         0.343           0.487           0.118            0.0396
## 6 650000+          0.00542         0.00386         0.00664          0.0258
## # … with 1 more variable: 650000+ <dbl>

Confusion Matrix

First put the highest probability priceRange column name (per row) into a new column called pred_class. That will be the priceRange category predictred by our model for that observation. Then set up a confusion matrix to visualize predicted priceRange vs. actual priceRange.

test_results_1 <- test_results_1 %>%
                  mutate(pred_class = pmap_chr(across(`0-250000`:`650000+`),
                                      ~ names(c(...)[which.max(c(...))])))

conf1 <- test_results_1 %>% 
         conf_mat(Truth, pred_class) %>% 
         autoplot(type = "heatmap") +
         scale_fill_scico(begin = 0.2, end = 0.7, palette = "bamako") +  
         labs(title = "Confusion Matrix - XGBoost multi-class BEFORE Tuning\n") +
         scale_x_discrete(position = "top")


ROC Curve

Not a bad baseline. ROC curves aren’t as useful in multi-class predictions IMO, but overall AUC is still a useful metric.

auc1 <- test_results_1 %>% 
  roc_auc(as.factor(Truth), `0-250000`:`650000+`)

roc1 <- test_results_1 %>% 
  roc_curve(as.factor(Truth), `0-250000`:`650000+`) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(1-specificity, sensitivity, color = .level)) +
  geom_abline(lty = 2, color = "gray80", size = 1.5) +
  geom_path(alpha = 0.7, size = 1.1) +
  coord_equal() +
  labs(color = "priceRange",
       title = "ROC: XGBoost multi-class",
       subtitle = paste("AUC = ", auc1$.estimate)) +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.3),
        legend.background = element_rect(fill = "black"))


Hyperparameter Tuning

To build an XGBoost model better than our baseline model, we need to find a better combination of hyperparameters. First set SageMaker’s estimator with the static parameters.

xgb_estimator <- sagemaker$estimator$Estimator(image_uri          = container,
                                               role               = role_arn,
                                               instance_count     = 1L,
                                               instance_type      = "ml.m5.4xlarge", 
                                               volume_size        = 10L, 
                                               output_path        = models_path,
                                               sagemaker_session  = session,
                                               use_spot_instances = TRUE,
                                               max_run            = 1800L,
                                               max_wait           = 3600L )

xgb_estimator$set_hyperparameters(objective        = "multi:softprob",
                                  eval_metric      = "mlogloss",
                                  num_class        = 5L,
                                  alpha            = 1L ) 

Now set the Tunable Parameters.

hyperp_ranges <- list(num_round = sagemaker$tuner$IntegerParameter(500L, 800L),
                      max_depth = sagemaker$tuner$IntegerParameter(5L, 8L),
               eta              = sagemaker$tuner$ContinuousParameter(0.01,0.07),
               colsample_bytree = sagemaker$tuner$ContinuousParameter(0.5, 0.75),
               min_child_weight = sagemaker$tuner$ContinuousParameter(1.0, 7.0),
               subsample        = sagemaker$tuner$ContinuousParameter(0.5, 0.9),
               gamma            = sagemaker$tuner$ContinuousParameter(0.01, 0.4, "Logarithmic"))

Create HyperparameterTuner object. I’m running 10 models in parallel, which might be too many, but it cuts down training time. Also running a bayesian optimizer instead of hyperparameter grid.

tuner <- sagemaker$tuner$HyperparameterTuner(estimator             = xgb_estimator,
                                             objective_metric_name = "validation:mlogloss",
                                             objective_type        = "Minimize",
                                             hyperparameter_ranges = hyperp_ranges, 
                                             strategy              = "Bayesian",
                                             max_jobs              = 250L,
                                             max_parallel_jobs     = 10L)

Keep everything organized. Every training/tuning/transform job is a little different. Give every job a unique identifier. You can find info about each job within SageMaker. Either in the Training or Inference tabs.

algo <- "xgb"
timestamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
job_name_b <- paste(project, algo, timestamp, sep = "-")
s3_train_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_train,
                                                 content_type = 'csv')
s3_valid_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_validation,
                                                 content_type = 'csv')
input_data <- list('train'      = s3_train_input,
                   'validation' = s3_valid_input)

Start tuning job

tuner$fit(inputs   = input_data, 
          job_name = job_name_b,
          wait     = FALSE )

Evaluate tuning job results

# find the jobs names in aws services: sagemaker/training/hyperparameter tuning jobs
tuning_job_results <- sagemaker$HyperparameterTuningJobAnalytics("austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-26-01")
tuning_results_df <- tuning_job_results$dataframe()

These are our best performing models.

tuning_results_df %>% 
arrange(FinalObjectiveValue) %>% 
select(FinalObjectiveValue, colsample_bytree:num_round) %>% 

##   FinalObjectiveValue colsample_bytree        eta      gamma
## 1             0.91389        0.6290542 0.03520119 0.03713676
## 2             0.91495        0.6071249 0.03396735 0.05022432
## 3             0.91541        0.5551431 0.03392736 0.06289694
## 4             0.91550        0.5551431 0.03512736 0.06289694
## 5             0.91558        0.6315542 0.03460119 0.03853227
##   max_depth min_child_weight num_round
## 1         6         1.187750       547
## 2         6         1.001407       531
## 3         6         1.007632       596
## 4         6         1.127632       602
## 5         6         1.127750       544

Plot a time series chart that shows how AUC developed over 250 training jobs, tuned by the Bayesian optimizer. Also plot the hyperparameters to see if the optimizer found the sweet spots.

tune_plot0 <-ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(TrainingEndTime, FinalObjectiveValue)) +
               geom_point() +
               xlab("Time") +
ylab(tuning_job_results$description()$TrainingJobDefinition$StaticHyperParameters$`_tuning_objective_metric`) +
ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning mLogloss", "Progression over the period of all 250 training jobs") 

tune_plot1 <- ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(num_round, max_depth)) +
                geom_point(aes(color = FinalObjectiveValue)) +
                scale_color_scico("mLogloss", palette = "roma", direction = 1) +
                ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning mLogloss", "Using a Bayesian strategy") 

tune_plot2 <-ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(eta, colsample_bytree)) +
               geom_point(aes(color = FinalObjectiveValue)) +
               scale_color_scico("mLogloss", palette = "roma", direction = 1) +
               ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning mLogloss", "Using a Bayesian strategy") 

tune_plot3 <-ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(min_child_weight, subsample)) +
               geom_point(aes(color = FinalObjectiveValue)) +
               scale_color_scico("mLogloss", palette = "roma", direction = 1) +
               ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning mLogloss", "Using a Bayesian strategy") 

tune_plot4 <-ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(gamma, eta)) +
               geom_point(aes(color = FinalObjectiveValue)) +
               scale_color_scico("mLogloss", palette = "roma", direction = 1) +
               ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning mLogloss", "Using a Bayesian strategy") 

(tune_plot0 + tune_plot1) / (tune_plot2 + tune_plot3) / (tune_plot4 + plot_spacer())

Let’s take the top model then evaluate on the test data.

# best_5_tuned_models <- tuning_results_df %>%
#                        arrange(FinalObjectiveValue) %>% 
#                        head(n=5) 

#unnest(best_10_tuned_models) %>% select(FinalObjectiveValue, everything())

best_tuned_model <- tuning_results_df %>%
                    arrange(FinalObjectiveValue) %>% 
                    head(n=1) %>% pull(TrainingJobName)

training_job_stats <- session$describe_training_job(job_name = best_tuned_model)

final_metrics_2 <-  map_df(training_job_stats$FinalMetricDataList, 
                           ~tibble(metric_name = .x[["MetricName"]],
                                   value       = .x[["Value"]]))

This is how well the best model performed on the validation data.


## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   metric_name         value
##   <chr>               <dbl>
## 1 train:mlogloss      0.495
## 2 validation:mlogloss 0.914
## 3 ObjectiveMetric     0.914

Run the best model, "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-26-01-087-8bf5c7e6", on the test data to predict priceRange.

predictions_path_2 <- paste0(models_path, "/", 


## [1] "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-26-01-087-8bf5c7e6"

xgb_batch_predictor_2 <- sagemaker$transformer$Transformer(model_name     = "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-26-01-087-8bf5c7e6",
                                                           instance_count = 1L, 
                                                           instance_type  = "ml.m4.4xlarge", 
                                                           strategy       = "MultiRecord",  
                                                           assemble_with  = "Line",
                                                           output_path    = predictions_path_2)

Start batch prediction job. Note that I added a -2 to the job_name below. SageMaker needs all jobs to be unique. Now this Batch transform job name is different than the model Training job name.

xgb_batch_predictor_2$transform(data         = s3_test, # test set LACKING the TRUE `priceRange`
                                content_type = 'text/csv',
                                split_type   = "Line",
                                job_name     = "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-26-01-087-8bf5c7e6-2",
                                wait         = FALSE) 

Download the predicted priceRange for every observation.

s3_test_predictions_path_2 <- s3_downloader$list(predictions_path_2)
s3_downloader$download(s3_test_predictions_path_2, "./predictions")
test_predictions_2 <- read_csv("./predictions/austin_test.csv.out",
                               col_names = FALSE) #%>% pull(X1)

Transform again, annoying, but there’s a payoff.

test_predictions_2.1 <- test_predictions_2 %>%
                        transmute("0-250000"      = X1,
                                  "250000-350000" = X2,
                                  "350000-450000" = X3,
                                  "450000-650000" = X4,
                                  "650000+"       = X5 )
# Need to get rid of brackets
test_predictions_2.1$`0-250000` <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(test_predictions_2.1$`0-250000`,
                                                              "\\[|\\]", ""))
test_predictions_2.1$`650000+` <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(test_predictions_2.1$`650000+`,  
                                                             "\\[|\\]", "")) 

austin_test <- read_csv("./data/austin_test_2.csv") # test set WITH the TRUE `priceRange`

test_results_2 <- austin_test %>%
                  select(priceRange) %>%
                  bind_cols(test_predictions_2.1) %>%
                  rename(Truth = priceRange) %>%
                  mutate(Truth = case_when(Truth == "0" ~ "0-250000",
                                           Truth == "1" ~ "250000-350000",
                                           Truth == "2" ~ "350000-450000",
                                           Truth == "3" ~ "450000-650000",
                                           Truth == "4" ~ "650000+"      ))

Make column for predicted priceRange from highest probability per row.

test_results_2 <- test_results_2 %>%
                  mutate(pred_class = pmap_chr(across(`0-250000`:`650000+`),
                                               ~ names(c(...)[which.max(c(...))])))

Build another confusion matrix and compare it to the untuned model confusion matrix.

conf2 <- test_results_2 %>% 
         conf_mat(Truth, pred_class) %>% 
         autoplot(type = "heatmap") +
         scale_fill_scico(begin = 0.2, end = 0.7, palette = "bamako") +  
         labs(title = "Confusion Matrix - XGBoost multi-class AFTER Tuning\n") +
         scale_x_discrete(position = "top")

# compare to initial model

conf1 + conf2

That’s a big improvement. Of 1,253 observations in the austin_test data, the tuned model correctly classifies 782 homes, compared to 747 correct classifications by the untuned model.

What about AUC?

auc2 <- test_results_2 %>% 
        roc_auc(as.factor(Truth), `0-250000`:`650000+`)

roc2 <- test_results_2 %>% 
        roc_curve(as.factor(Truth), `0-250000`:`650000+`) %>% 
        ggplot(aes(1-specificity, sensitivity, color = .level)) +
        geom_abline(lty = 2, color = "gray80", size = 1.5) +
        geom_path(alpha = 0.7, size = 1.1) +
        coord_equal() +
        labs(color = "priceRange",
             title = "ROC: XGBoost multi-class TUNED",
             subtitle = paste("AUC =", auc2$.estimate )) +
        theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.3),
              legend.background = element_rect(fill = "black"))

roc1 + roc2

The AUC impoved from 0.8737 to 0.8854.

Batch Inference on Holdout Data

First, let’s refit the best tuned models on the training + validation data.

After refitting, we need to submit probabilities of every priceRange bin for each observation (home). There are 5 possible price bins: 0-250000, 250000-350000, 350000-450000, 450000-650000, 650000+ So we’ll need to submit a .cvs file containing the holdout id column + 5 price columns containing our predicted probabilities. To run inference we’ll pass our “baked” holdout data into our best performing XGboost model.

best_model_spec1 <- "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-26-01-087-8bf5c7e6" # with high/low word features
best_model_spec2 <- "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-16-05-39-168-ba9e4034" # without high/low words

Set the hyperparameters found in our best model. Search for model in SageMaker/Inference/Models and you’ll find the hyperparameters within the model file.

# hyperparameters for "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-19-26-01-087-8bf5c7e6" 
xgb_estimator$set_hyperparameters(objective        = "multi:softprob",
                                  eval_metric      = "mlogloss",
                                  num_class        = 5L, # necessary for multiclass
                                  max_depth        = 6L, 
                                  eta              = 0.03520118545875153,
                                  num_round        = 547L,
                                  colsample_bytree = 0.6290542489323581,
                                  alpha            = 1L,
                                  min_child_weight = 1.1877495749360136,
                                  subsample        = 0.8303568755778328,
                                  gamma            = 0.037136763001608175)

Refit model on train + validation data before predicting on holdout data.

# Create training job name based project organization principles
algo <- "xgb"    # keep short
timestamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") # timestamp
job_name_refit <- paste(project, algo, timestamp, sep = "-")
s3_train_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_tr_val,     # train + validation
                                                 content_type = 'csv')
s3_valid_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_test_full,  # test set w/ truth
                                                 content_type = 'csv')
input_data <- list('train'      = s3_train_input,
                   'validation' = s3_valid_input) 

xgb_estimator$fit(inputs   = input_data,
                  job_name = job_name_refit,
                  wait     = FALSE)

Our refit model name is austin-xgb-2021-08-24-22-07-41.

training_job_stats_refit <- session$describe_training_job(job_name = "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-22-07-41")

final_metrics_refit <-  map_df(training_job_stats_refit$FinalMetricDataList, 
                               ~tibble(metric_name = .x[["MetricName"]],
                                       value = .x[["Value"]]))


## [1] "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-22-07-41"


## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   metric_name         value
##   <chr>               <dbl>
## 1 train:mlogloss      0.519
## 2 validation:mlogloss 0.904

predictions_path_h <- paste0(models_path, "/", "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-22-07-41", "/predictions") 


## [1] "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-22-07-41"

xgb_batch_predictor_h <- sagemaker$transformer$Transformer(model_name     = "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-22-07-41",
                                                           instance_count = 1L, 
                                                           instance_type  = "ml.m5.4xlarge", 
                                                           strategy       = "MultiRecord",  
                                                           assemble_with  = "Line",
                                                           output_path    = predictions_path_h)

Run batch inference on holdout data. Make job_name unique with an added -h for holdout.

xgb_batch_predictor_h$transform(data         = s3_holdout, # data to predict on for Kaggle comp.
                                content_type = 'text/csv',
                                split_type   = "Line",
                                job_name     = "austin-xgb-2021-08-24-22-07-41-h",
                                wait         = FALSE)

Transform to format data for submission to Kaggle.

s3_holdout_predictions_path_h <- s3_downloader$list(predictions_path_h)

s3_downloader$download(s3_holdout_predictions_path_h, "./predictions")
holdout_predictions_h <- read_csv("./predictions/austin_holdout.csv.out",
                                  col_names = FALSE) #%>% pull(X1)

holdout_predictions_h.1 <- holdout_predictions_h %>%
                           transmute("0-250000"      = X1,
                                     "250000-350000" = X2,
                                     "350000-450000" = X3,
                                     "450000-650000" = X4,
                                     "650000+"       = X5 )
# Remove brackets
holdout_predictions_h.1$`0-250000` <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(holdout_predictions_h.1$`0-250000`,
                                                                 "\\[|\\]", ""))
holdout_predictions_h.1$`650000+` <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(holdout_predictions_h.1$`650000+`,
                                                                "\\[|\\]", "")) 

austin_holdout_id <- read_csv("data/austin_holdout_id.csv", col_names = FALSE) %>% 
                     rename(uid = X1)

chop_submit_final <- bind_cols(austin_holdout_id, holdout_predictions_h.1)

write_csv(chop_submit_final, "predictions/chop_submit_final.csv")

This submission received a score of 0.88876 (Multiclass Log Loss), which would have placed 6th out of 90 entries in the Kaggle competition.

To understand how this XGBoost model predicted priceRange, we can use SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) to visualize feature importance for every observation, and how those features impacted the probabilities of each priceRange category. SHAP is a method to interpret results from tree-based models, and can prevent your XGBoost model from falling into Black Box territory, where you cannot explain how the model works.

I had to adjust the {SHAPforxgboost} R package slightly to work for multi-class XGBoost predictions. First, rebuild the model using the {xgboost} R package and the model hyperparameters.


lb <- as.numeric(austin_training$priceRange) -1   # to get priceRange categories 0:4
X_train <- as.matrix(austin_training[, -1])       # remove priceRange from matrix

bst <- xgboost(data             = X_train, 
               label            = lb,
               objective        = "multi:softprob", 
               eval_metric      = "mlogloss",
               max_depth        = 6, 
               eta              = 0.03520118545875153, 
               nthread          = 2, 
               nrounds          = 547, 
               subsample        = 0.8303568755778328,
               num_class        = 5,
               gamma            = 0.037136763001608175,
               colsample_bytree = 0.6290542489323581,
               min_child_weight = 1.1877495749360136)

# predict for softmax returns num_class probability numbers per case:
pred_labels1 <- predict(bst, as.matrix(austin_training[, -1]))
pred_labels2 <- matrix(pred_labels1, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
# convert the probabilities to softmax labels
pred_labels3 <- max.col(pred_labels2) - 1
#head(pred_labels2, n = 4)
#head(pred_labels3, n = 4)

pred <- predict(bst, as.matrix(austin_training[, -1]), predcontrib = TRUE)

As of now {SHAPforxgboost} can’t handle multiclass predictions. Unnesting pred and a small adjustment to the shap.values() function allows SHAP values for each category.

shap_contrib_0 <- pred[[1]]
shap_contrib_1 <- pred[[2]]
shap_contrib_2 <- pred[[3]]
shap_contrib_3 <- pred[[4]]
shap_contrib_4 <- pred[[5]]

New shap.values() function.

shap.values_todd <- function(shap_contrib, X_train){

  # Add colnames if not already there (required for LightGBM)
  if (is.null(colnames(shap_contrib))) {
    colnames(shap_contrib) <- c(colnames(X_train), "BIAS")

  shap_contrib <-

  # For both XGBoost and LightGBM, the baseline value is kept in the last column
  BIAS0 <- shap_contrib[, ncol(shap_contrib), with = FALSE][1]

  # Remove baseline and ensure the shap matrix has column names
  shap_contrib[, `:=`(BIAS, NULL)]

  # Make SHAP score in decreasing order
  imp <- colMeans(abs(shap_contrib))
  mean_shap_score <- imp[order(imp, decreasing = T)]

  return(list(shap_score = shap_contrib,
              mean_shap_score = mean_shap_score,
              BIAS0 = BIAS0))

shap_values_0 <- shap.values_todd(shap_contrib = shap_contrib_0, X_train)
shap_values_1 <- shap.values_todd(shap_contrib = shap_contrib_1, X_train)
shap_values_2 <- shap.values_todd(shap_contrib = shap_contrib_2, X_train)
shap_values_3 <- shap.values_todd(shap_contrib = shap_contrib_3, X_train)
shap_values_4 <- shap.values_todd(shap_contrib = shap_contrib_4, X_train)

shap_long_0 <- shap.prep(shap_contrib = shap_values_0$shap_score, X_train = X_train)
shap_long_1 <- shap.prep(shap_contrib = shap_values_1$shap_score, X_train = X_train)
shap_long_2 <- shap.prep(shap_contrib = shap_values_2$shap_score, X_train = X_train)
shap_long_3 <- shap.prep(shap_contrib = shap_values_3$shap_score, X_train = X_train)
shap_long_4 <- shap.prep(shap_contrib = shap_values_4$shap_score, X_train = X_train)

Use the shap_long values to build SHAP Summary Plots showing global feature importance.

sh_pl_0 <-  shap.plot.summary(shap_long_0) +
            ggdark::dark_theme_minimal() +
            theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
            labs(title = "SHAP Values for Features in XGBoost Model",
                 subtitle = "Homes Predicted to be $0 - $250,000")
sh_pl_1 <-  shap.plot.summary(shap_long_1) +
            ggdark::dark_theme_minimal() +
            theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
            labs(title = "SHAP Values for Features in XGBoost Model",
                 subtitle = "Homes Predicted to be $250,000 - $350,000")
sh_pl_2 <-  shap.plot.summary(shap_long_2) +
            ggdark::dark_theme_minimal() +
            theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
            labs(title = "SHAP Values for Features in XGBoost Model",
                 subtitle = "Homes Predicted to be $350,000 - $450,000")
sh_pl_3 <-  shap.plot.summary(shap_long_3) +
            ggdark::dark_theme_minimal() +
            theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
            labs(title = "SHAP Values for Features in XGBoost Model",
                 subtitle = "Homes Predicted to be $450,000 - $650,000")
sh_pl_4 <-  shap.plot.summary(shap_long_4) +
            ggdark::dark_theme_minimal() +
            theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
            labs(title = "SHAP Values for Features in XGBoost Model",
                 subtitle = "Homes Predicted to be $650,000+")

sh_pl_0 / sh_pl_1 / sh_pl_2 / sh_pl_3 / sh_pl_4

The SHAP summary plots above combine feature importance with feature effects. Each point on the summary plot is a Shapley value for an individual observation’s feature. The position on the y-axis is determined by the feature importance within that priceRange.

Notice feature importance values in the $650,000 plot (5th plot) are highest among the priceRange categories and the $350,000 - $450,000 plot (3rd plot) are lowest. That means our XGBoost model is better at predicting the most expensive homes and relatively poor at predicting middle priced homes. The model even predicts $0-$250,000 homes well considering there are fewest observations of that priceRange

# Count of homes per priceRange category.  0 = $0-$250,000    4 = $650,000

##    0    1    2    3    4 
##  936 1767 1725 1706 1364

The color represents the relative value of the feature to the observation.

Deep purple points with POSITIVE SHAP Values (right of 0) are feature values that strongly influence XGBoost to POSITIVELY classify the observation into THAT priceRange bin.

Deep purple points with NEGATIVE SHAP Values (left of 0) are feature values that strongly influence XGBoost to NOT POSITIVELY classify the observation into THAT priceRange bin.

Each feature gets it’s own yellow-purple scale (can’t compare purple points of different features).

Different observations with the same feature value can have very different SHAPley values. For example, we might see a dark purple point and a bright yellow point in numofBedrooms feature for two homes that each have numofBedrooms = 3. Imagine a suburban home with 3 bedrooms being priced slightly more than a suburban 2 bedroom home. A downtown apartment, however, with 3 bedrooms might be 2X the price of a 2 bedroom downtown apartment. Therefore, the feature value (color) for numofBedrooms will be higher for the apartment observation.

Look at high_price_words and low_price_words in the $0-$250,000 SHAP summary plot. Observations with low_price_words in the $0-$250,000 plot are always purple and positive, influencing XGBoost to say YES, classify me as $0-$250,000. Observations with high_price_words are purple and negative, saying NO, don’t classify me as $0-$250,000. The opposite pattern is seen with high/low words in the $640,000 plot.

The color scale for lotSizeSqft is messed up due to outliers.

 austin_training %>% arrange(desc(lotSizeSqFt)) %>% head(n=50) %>% select(priceRange, lotSizeSqFt)

## # A tibble: 50 × 2
##    priceRange lotSizeSqFt
##    <fct>            <dbl>
##  1 4             8581320 
##  2 0             5967720 
##  3 3             5880600 
##  4 2             2988216 
##  5 0             2178000 
##  6 4             1003622.
##  7 2              871200 
##  8 4              702623.
##  9 0              411206.
## 10 0              225205.
## # … with 40 more rows

lotSizeSqFt range is fairly linear until the largest 9 observations. Because these 9 observations do not associate with priceRange, we might consider a rule removing any observation above 400,000 SqFt. These might be typos or a large empty stretch of private land. Must dig deeper into these 9 observations to adjust our model recipe.

The last plots are SHAP Force Plots which clusters (ward.D2) similar observations and stacks SHAP values for each observation. These show how the final output was obtained as a sum of each predictor’s attributions.

Think of these plots as the algorithm summing up an observations feature values to determine whether to classify into this priceRange bin. I’ll show code for just one of the plots.

shap_force_plot4 <- = shap_values_4$shap_score, 
                                         top_n = 4, n_groups = 5)

# you may choose to zoom in at a location, and set y-axis limit using `y_parent_limit`  

shap.plot.force_plot(shap_force_plot4, zoom_in = FALSE) +
  ggdark::dark_theme_bw() +
  labs(title = "SHAP Force Plot;  $650,000+",
       subtitle = "Stacked SHAP values for each observation contribute to XGBoost assigning probability of this priceRange.")


In this post I used a Kaggle dataset for Austin, TX real estate and predict homes into one of 5 priceRange bins. I performed exploratory data analysis in R, leaning heavily on geospacial tools like {ggmaps}, {leaflet} for interactive plotting, and {ggplot2} for distribution hex plots to visualize features across Austin. I performed natural language processing (NLP) on the description feature to produce high and low values words that associate with home price. I then connected RStudio to AWS SageMaker to gain access to it’s built-in XGBoost, S3, and EC2 instances for modeling. After training and tuning XGBoost to find the best multi-class model, I ran batch inference on Kaggle holdout data and predicted priceRange probabilites for 4,961 Austin homes. I submitted those predictions to the SLICED Kaggle Competition which scored 0.88876 (Multiclass Log Loss) which would have been good enough for 6th place (out of 90 entries). Finally, I replicate that XGBoost model in R with {xgboost} and build a set of multi-class XGBoost SHAP plots to better understand how the XGBoost model classified observations, based on feature importance, relative feature impact, and clustering of observations by SHAPley values.

Todd Warczak PhD
Todd Warczak PhD
Molecular & Cellular Biologist /
Data Scientist

Doubling down with R for a career in data science.