Predicting Bank Customer Churn using AWS SageMaker and XGBoost in Local RStudio

library(corrmorant)    # correlation matrix
library(patchwork)     # multiple plots to 1 plot
library(reticulate)    # calling the SageMaker Python SDK from R
library(pROC)          # ROC curves
library(viridis)       # color palletes
library(caret)         # confusion matrix

🥅 Goal of this Project

Predict whether a bank customer will churn using AWS SageMaker and RStudio

🗂 Obtain Data

The data comes from the Kaggle competition SLICED.

churn_data <- read_csv("~/Documents/R/data_warz/content/post/2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/train.csv")

holdout <- read_csv("~/Documents/R/data_warz/content/post/2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/test.csv")

holdout does not contain attrition_flag. Use holdout to run inference after you’ve selected the best tuned model and built an endpoint to host the model. To submit predicted customer churn to the SLICED competition, we’ll need a .csv file that contains only 2 columns: “id” (those found in holdout) and inferred attrition_flag. That will be our final step.

🛁 Clean Data


## Rows: 7,088
## Columns: 15
## $ id                       <dbl> 8805, 4231, 5263, 2072, 7412, 6142, 558, 1046, 576, 2942, 8801,…
## $ attrition_flag           <dbl> 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
## $ customer_age             <dbl> 27, 42, 47, 44, 54, 51, 37, 38, 45, 63, 44, 47, 43, 42, 44, 52,…
## $ gender                   <chr> "F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F", "M", "F", "M", "M"…
## $ education_level          <chr> "Post-Graduate", "College", "Unknown", "Uneducated", "Graduate"…
## $ income_category          <chr> "Less than $40K", "Less than $40K", "Less than $40K", "$80K - $…
## $ total_relationship_count <dbl> 3, 6, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 6, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 2, …
## $ months_inactive_12_mon   <dbl> 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 1, …
## $ credit_limit             <dbl> 1438.3, 3050.0, 1561.0, 25428.0, 2947.0, 34516.0, 3680.0, 9830.…
## $ total_revolving_bal      <dbl> 990, 1824, 0, 1528, 2216, 1763, 683, 2055, 1519, 0, 1995, 1340,…
## $ total_amt_chng_q4_q1     <dbl> 0.715, 0.771, 0.502, 0.725, 0.760, 1.266, 0.850, 0.977, 0.887, …
## $ total_trans_amt          <dbl> 3855, 1973, 1947, 13360, 1744, 1550, 4835, 1042, 3434, 2399, 75…
## $ total_trans_ct           <dbl> 73, 50, 28, 97, 53, 41, 77, 23, 49, 43, 87, 39, 65, 43, 60, 79,…
## $ total_ct_chng_q4_q1      <dbl> 1.147, 1.381, 0.556, 0.796, 0.606, 1.050, 0.750, 0.917, 0.690, …
## $ avg_utilization_ratio    <dbl> 0.688, 0.598, 0.000, 0.060, 0.752, 0.051, 0.186, 0.209, 0.291, …

Let’s look at the data dictionary to check we understand what each variable represents.

[Data Dictionary]

Outcome Variable

  • attrition_flag: whether the customer is churned (0 = no; 1 = yes)


  • id: unique identifier for the customer

Categorical Features

  • gender
  • education_level
  • income_category: income range of the customer

Numeric Features

  • customer_age

  • total_relationship_count: number of relationships

  • months_inactive_12_mon: number of months the customer is inactive in past 12 months

  • credit_limit

  • total_revolving_bal: customer’s total revolving balance

  • total_amt_chng_q4_q1: amount the balance changed from Q4 to Q1

  • total_trans_amt: value of all the customer’s transactions in the period

  • total_trans_ct: count of all the customer’s transactions

  • total_ct_chng_q4_q1: difference in number of the customer’s transactions from Q4 to Q1

  • avg_utilization_ratio: customer’s average utilization ratio during the period

I like using the {skimr} package to quickly check for missing values and get variable information.

Data summary
Name churn_data
Number of rows 7088
Number of columns 15
Column type frequency:
character 3
numeric 12
Group variables None

Data summary

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
gender 0 1 1 1 0 2 0
education_level 0 1 7 13 0 7 0
income_category 0 1 7 14 0 6 0

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100
id 0 1 5055.37 2932.28 1.0 2514.75 5039.50 7613.25 10126.00
attrition_flag 0 1 0.16 0.37 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
customer_age 0 1 46.31 7.99 26.0 41.00 46.00 52.00 73.00
total_relationship_count 0 1 3.82 1.55 1.0 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
months_inactive_12_mon 0 1 2.33 1.01 0.0 2.00 2.00 3.00 6.00
credit_limit 0 1 8703.87 9152.31 1438.3 2560.75 4588.50 11154.25 34516.00
total_revolving_bal 0 1 1169.67 815.47 0.0 461.75 1285.00 1789.25 2517.00
total_amt_chng_q4_q1 0 1 0.76 0.22 0.0 0.63 0.74 0.86 3.36
total_trans_amt 0 1 4360.55 3339.10 563.0 2147.75 3896.00 4731.75 18484.00
total_trans_ct 0 1 64.65 23.34 10.0 45.00 67.00 80.00 139.00
total_ct_chng_q4_q1 0 1 0.71 0.24 0.0 0.58 0.70 0.82 3.50
avg_utilization_ratio 0 1 0.28 0.28 0.0 0.03 0.18 0.50 1.00

Not much cleaning to do. No missing data. For EDA I want the attrition_flag variable to be obvious whether the customer has churned or not. I’ll factor the categorical variables and experiment with log transforming some numeric variables.

🔭 Explore Data

churn_data2 <- churn_data %>% 
  mutate(churned = factor(ifelse(attrition_flag == 1, "yes", "no"),
                          levels = c("no", "yes"))) %>%
  mutate(education_level = fct_relevel(education_level, c("Unknown", 
                                                          "High School", 
                                                          "Post-Graduate"))) %>%
  mutate(income_category = fct_relevel(income_category, c("Unknown",
                                                          "Less than $40K",
                                                          "$40K - $60K",
                                                          "$60K - $80K",
                                                          "$80K - $120K",
                                                          "$120K +")))

churn_data3 <- churn_data2 %>% 
               mutate(across(.cols = c(credit_limit, total_trans_amt),
                             .fns  = log1p)) %>%
               mutate(across(.cols = c(credit_limit, total_trans_amt), 
                             .fns = timetk::standardize_vec)) %>% 
               select(-c(id, attrition_flag))

Let’s look at a correlation matrix of all the numeric variables. We can group by our new churned variable to see features that correlate differently based on the churn outcome.

corfun <- function(x, y)  {
  round(cor(x, y, method = "pearson", use = "pairwise.complete.obs"), 2)

ggcorrm(churn_data3, aes(col = churned, fill = churned), bg_dia  = "grey30") +
    lotri(geom_point(alpha = 0.1)) +
    lotri(geom_smooth(se=F, method = "loess")) +
    utri_funtext(fun = corfun, size = 4) +
    dia_names(y_pos = 0.15, size = 2) +
    dia_density(lower = 0.3, fill = "grey60", color = 1) +
    theme_dark() +
    scale_color_viridis_d() +
    scale_fill_viridis_d() +
    labs(title = "Correlation Plot")

It looks to me that total_ct_chng_q4_q1, total_trans_amt, total_trans_ct, credit_limit, and avg_utilization_ratio might be important to churn. I want to see how the numeric feature density plots look and see if we can see any distributions that are clearly separated by churn.

dense <- churn_data3 %>%
         select(-c(gender, education_level, income_category)) %>%
         pivot_longer(cols = c(customer_age:avg_utilization_ratio), 
                      names_to = "feature", 
                      values_to = "value"
ggplot(dense, aes(value, fill = churned)) +
  geom_density(alpha = .5) +
  facet_wrap(~ feature, scales = "free") +
  labs(title = "Numeric features impacting churn?")

We see some clues in the distributions of total_trans_amt, total_trans_ct, total_relationship_count, and total_revolving_bal. months_inactive_12_mon might be important, but mostly when the variable = 1 month.

Let’s try and find some combinations of these features that lead to churn more often. Last data viz for the numeric features.

churn_data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(total_trans_amt, total_trans_ct, z = attrition_flag)) +
  stat_summary_hex(alpha = 0.8, bins = 50) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(fill = "% Churned") +

churn_data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(total_ct_chng_q4_q1, total_trans_ct, z = attrition_flag)) +
  stat_summary_hex(alpha = 0.8, bins = 50) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(fill = "% Churned") +

churn_data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(credit_limit, avg_utilization_ratio, z = attrition_flag)) +
  stat_summary_hex(alpha = 0.8, bins = 50) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(fill = "% Churned") +

churn_data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(total_trans_amt, total_amt_chng_q4_q1, z = attrition_flag)) +
  stat_summary_hex(alpha = 0.8, bins = 60) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(fill = "% Churned") +

It’s clear that churn will be predicted if a customer data contains certain combination of feature values (yellow).

Now let’s get a count for each categorical variable and a percentage churn for each category to see how balanced the dataset is.

cat_feat <- churn_data2 %>% 
  select(c(gender, education_level, income_category, churned))

n_gen <- cat_feat %>% 
  group_by(gender) %>% 
  summarise(count = n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(gender, count)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_text(aes(label = count),
            color    = "white",
            size     = 3,
            fontface = 'bold',
            hjust    = 1.2,
            vjust    = 0.4) +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(legend.position = 'none',
              axis.title.x = element_blank())

n_edu <- cat_feat %>% 
  group_by(education_level) %>% 
  summarise(count = n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(education_level, count)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_text(aes(label = count),
            color    = "white",
            size     = 3,
            fontface = 'bold',
            hjust    = 1.2,
            vjust    = 0.4) +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(legend.position = 'none')

n_inc <- cat_feat %>% 
  group_by(income_category) %>% 
  summarise(count = n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(income_category, count)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_text(aes(label = count),
            color    = "white",
            size     = 3,
            fontface = 'bold',
            hjust    = 1.2,
            vjust    = 0.4) +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(legend.position = 'none')

n_chrn <- cat_feat %>% 
  group_by(churned) %>% 
  summarise(count = n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(churned, count)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_text(aes(label = count),
            color    = "white",
            size     = 3,
            fontface = 'bold',
            hjust    = 1.2,
            vjust    = 0.4) +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(legend.position = 'none',
              axis.title.x = element_blank())

n_chrn + n_gen + n_edu + n_inc +
plot_layout(ncol = 2, heights = c(0.7,2)) +
plot_annotation(title = "Counts of Each Categorical Variable in Training Data")

Our churn variable is unbalanced. Would be better if we had more data points for those that have churned. We could upsample positive churn outcome or downsample the negative churn outcome, but I’ll let it slide this time.

How balanced are the categorical predictors?

gen <- ggplot(cat_feat %>% 
                group_by(gender, churned) %>% 
                summarise(n = n()) %>% 
                mutate(percent_churned = prop.table(n)*100) %>% 
                filter(churned == 'yes'),
               aes(gender, percent_churned)) +
        geom_col() +
        coord_flip() +
        geom_text(aes(label = round(percent_churned, digits = 1)),
                  color    = "white",
                  size     = 4,
                  fontface = 'bold',
                  hjust    = 1.3,
                  vjust    = 0.4) +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(legend.position = 'none')

# `summarise()` has grouped output by 'gender'. Override using the `.groups` argument.

ed <- ggplot(cat_feat %>% 
                group_by(education_level, churned) %>% 
                summarise(n = n()) %>% 
                mutate(percent_churned = prop.table(n)*100) %>% 
                filter(churned == 'yes'),
             aes(education_level, percent_churned)) +
        geom_col() +
        coord_flip() +
        geom_text(aes(label = round(percent_churned, digits = 1)),
                    color    = "white",
                    size     = 4,
                    fontface = 'bold',
                    hjust    = 1.3,
                    vjust    = 0.4) +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
              legend.position = 'none')

# `summarise()` has grouped output by 'education_level'. Override using the `.groups` argument.

inc <- ggplot(cat_feat %>% 
                group_by(income_category, churned) %>% 
                summarise(n = n()) %>% 
                mutate(percent_churned = prop.table(n)*100) %>% 
                filter(churned == 'yes'),
              aes(income_category, percent_churned)) +
        geom_col() +
        coord_flip() +
        geom_text(aes(label = round(percent_churned, digits = 1)),
                    color    = "white",
                    size     = 4,
                    fontface = 'bold',
                    hjust    = 1.3,
                    vjust    = 0.4) +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
              legend.position = 'none')

# `summarise()` has grouped output by 'income_category'. Override using the `.groups` argument.

ed + inc + gen +
    plot_layout(ncol = 2, heights = c(2,0.7)) +
    plot_annotation(title = "Percentage of Each Categorical Variable that Churned")

cat_feat %>%
  pivot_longer(gender:income_category) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = value, fill = churned)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill") +
  facet_wrap(vars(name), scales = "free", ncol = 1) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

At least the data has consistantly low churn (12%-21%) across all categorical values. I’d guess the numeric features are more important based on what we’ve seen.

🧮 AWS Setup

Now it’s time to model. You need to set up your own AWS account and get RStudio connected. Alex Lemm has a great repo that guides you through configuring RStudio to work with AWS tools You’ll find a more detailed explaination of my code chunks within his projects if you want a deeper understanding.

We need to set up our AWS SageMaker session using a conda or miniconda environment and the {reticulate} package.

This code works on the AWS ‘Free Tier’ btw.

use_condaenv("sagemaker-r", required = TRUE)
sagemaker <- import("sagemaker")
session <- sagemaker$Session()

Select the S3 bucket you want to upload your data and models to. Then create a data and models folder. The data folder will store training, validation, test, and holdout data XGBoost will use for this project. The models folder will store every training job we run in this project, with an output subfolder containing the model artifacts. Any model used to make predictions will also have a predictions subfolder.

# bucket <- session$default_bucket()
bucket <- "twarczak-sagemaker3"
project <- "churn"    # keep short. 32 character max job_name
data_path <- paste0("s3://", bucket, "/", project, "/", "data")
models_path <- paste0("s3://", bucket, "/", project, "/", "models")

Data splitting

Split the churn_data into a train/validation/test. We will use the SageMaker built-in XGBoost algorithm and Bayesian Optimation for hyperparameter tuning. Info about this version of XGBoost, hyperparameters, metrics, etc. can be found here AWS_XGBoost.

I am also using the original data, not the dataframes I manipulated for our EDA.

# Make 70/15/15 Train/Validate/Test split
splits  <- initial_split(churn_data, prop = 0.70, strata = attrition_flag)
train <- training(splits)
other  <- testing(splits)
splits2 <- initial_split(other, prop = 0.50, strata = attrition_flag)
validation <- training(splits2)
test <- testing(splits2)

Preprocessing the data

Let’s make a simple recipe for our data. XGBoost doesn’t need numeric variable transformations, but we need to one-hot encode the categorical features. SageMaker XGBoost doesn’t want id variables and the target (attrition_flag) must be the first column. We’ll also remove the table header later.

churn_rec <- recipe(attrition_flag ~ ., data = train) %>% 
             step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% 
             step_rm(id) %>% 
churn_training <- churn_rec %>% 
                  juice() %>% 
                  select(attrition_flag, everything()) # just to put attrition_flag as 1st column
churn_validation <- bake(churn_rec, new_data = validation) %>% 
                    select(attrition_flag, everything()) # just to put attrition_flag as 1st column
churn_test <- bake(churn_rec, new_data = test) %>% 
              select(attrition_flag, everything()) # just to put attrition_flag as 1st column
id_holdout <- holdout %>% select(id) 
churn_holdout <- bake(churn_rec, new_data = holdout)

Great. Now all our data is transformed and ready for SageMaker XGBoost. First though, let’s run the training data through a basic XGBoost algo in R, just to look at feature importance.

bst <- xgboost::xgboost(data = data.matrix(subset(churn_training, select = -attrition_flag)), 
                        label = churn_training$attrition_flag, 
                        max_depth = 2, eta = 0.5, nthread = 2, nrounds = 100, 
                        objective = "binary:logistic", verbose = FALSE)

## [22:07:55] WARNING: amalgamation/../src/ Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.

imp_bst <- xgb.importance(model = bst)

We should have looked harder at total_revolving_balance. It might be more important than we thought, but otherwise, this mostly agrees with our EDA assessment. We could go back and remove the low importance features, like income_category, education_level, and gender, but not this time.

Save the pre-processed data. The test set must lack the target variable.

Save churn_holdout_id to join to the predicted values at the very end for our SLICED submission.

dir.create("../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data") # local

          "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_training.csv", col_names = FALSE)
          "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_validation.csv", col_names = FALSE)
write_csv(churn_test %>% select(-attrition_flag), 
          "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_test.csv", col_names = FALSE)
          "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_test_2.csv", col_names = TRUE) 
          # Need this later to use with results

          "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_holdout.csv", col_names = FALSE) 
          "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_holdout_id.csv",col_names = FALSE) 
          # Need this later to use with holdout results

upload() from S3Uploader moves the preprocessed data to the S3 bucket.

s3_uploader <- sagemaker$s3$S3Uploader()

s3_train <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_training.csv",
                               desired_s3_uri = data_path)

s3_validation <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_validation.csv", desired_s3_uri = data_path)

s3_test <- s3_uploader$upload(local_path = "../2021-08-01-sagemaker-r-xgb-churn/data/churn_test.csv", 
                              desired_s3_uri = data_path)

🏗 Train XGBoost model

Step 1 - Create an Estimator object


  • image_name - Location of built-in XGBoost docker container image in AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

  • role - AWS Identify and Access Management (IAM)

  • instance_count - Number of EC2 instances

  • instance_type - Choice of instance

  • volume_size - Size in GB of Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

  • output_path - Path to S3 bucket for storing training results

  • sagemaker_session - Session object that manages interactions with SageMaker APIs

Setting a max_run, use_spot_instances, and max_wait is optional, but will save you 70-90% on your compute purchase (in my experience).

Note: With {reticulate}, integers in R need to be converted to “long” objects in Python, hence the “L” after integers in the script.

region <- session$boto_region_name
container <- sagemaker$image_uris$retrieve(framework = "xgboost", 
                                           region    = region, 
                                           version   = "1.3-1" )
role_arn <- Sys.getenv("SAGEMAKER_ROLE_ARN")
xgb_estimator <- sagemaker$estimator$Estimator(image_uri          = container,
                                               role               = role_arn,
                                               instance_count     = 1L,
                                               instance_type      = "ml.m5.4xlarge",  
                                               volume_size        = 10L, 
                                               max_run            = 300L,
                                               output_path        = models_path,
                                               sagemaker_session  = session,
                                               use_spot_instances = TRUE,
                                               max_wait           = 300L )

Step 2 - Set static hyperparameters

No tuning yet. Full list of SageMaker built-in XGBoost hyperparameters here: XGBoost.

Use AUC as metric

xgb_estimator$set_hyperparameters(objective        = "binary:logistic",
                                  eval_metric      = "auc",
                                  max_depth        = 5L, 
                                  eta              = 0.1,
                                  num_round        = 100L,
                                  colsample_bytree = 0.4,
                                  alpha            = 10L,
                                  min_child_weight = 1.1,
                                  subsample        = 0.7)

Step 3 - Define S3 location of data sets and training job name

# Create training job name based project organization principles
algo <- "xgb"    # keep short. 32 character max job_name
timestamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") # timestamp
job_name_x <- paste(project, algo, timestamp, sep = "-")
s3_train_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_train,
                                                 content_type = 'csv')
s3_valid_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_validation,
                                                 content_type = 'csv')
input_data <- list('train'      = s3_train_input,
                   'validation' = s3_valid_input)

Step 4 - Start training job

xgb_estimator$fit(inputs = input_data,
                  job_name = job_name_x,
                  wait = FALSE)  # If TRUE, call will wait until job completes
## [1] "Completed"

Step 5 - Evaluate training results

training_job_stats <- session$describe_training_job(job_name = job_name_x)
final_metrics_1 <-  map_df(training_job_stats$FinalMetricDataList, 
                           ~tibble(metric_name = .x[["MetricName"]],
                                   value = .x[["Value"]]))

## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   metric_name    value
##   <chr>          <dbl>
## 1 validation:auc 0.989
## 2 train:auc      0.993

Step 6 - Fit model on test data

Use Batch Transform, a SageMaker feature for generating batch inferences.

Create Transformer object

  • strategy - ‘MultiRecord’ or ‘SingleRecord’

  • assemble_with - ‘Line’ places each prediction on its own line

  • output_path - S3 location for storing prediction results

predictions_path_1 <- paste0(models_path, "/", job_name_x, "/predictions") 

xgb_batch_predictor_1 <- xgb_estimator$transformer(instance_count     = 1L, 
                                                   instance_type      = "ml.m5.4xlarge", 
                                                   strategy           = "MultiRecord",
                                                   assemble_with      = "Line",
                                                   output_path        = predictions_path_1 )

Fit model to test data with transform()

  • split_type - Must use “Line” with csv files
xgb_batch_predictor_1$transform(data         = s3_test, 
                                content_type = 'text/csv',
                                split_type   = "Line",
                                job_name     = job_name_x,
                                wait         = FALSE) # If TRUE, call waits until job completes
# [1] "Completed"

Step 7 - Download & evaluate predictions

s3_downloader <- sagemaker$s3$S3Downloader()
s3_test_predictions_path_1 <- s3_downloader$list(predictions_path_1)
s3_downloader$download(s3_test_predictions_path_1, "./predictions")
test_predictions_1 <- read_csv("./predictions/churn_test.csv.out",
                               col_names = FALSE) %>% 
test_results_1 <- tibble(truth       = churn_test$attrition_flag,
                         predictions = test_predictions_1 )

## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   truth predictions
##   <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1     0     0.00919
## 2     0     0.171  
## 3     0     0.00493
## 4     0     0.0146 
## 5     1     0.846  
## 6     0     0.0360

roc_obj_1 <- pROC::roc(test_results_1$truth,
                       plot        = TRUE,         
                       grid        = TRUE,
                       print.auc   = TRUE,
                       legacy.axes = TRUE, 
                       main        = "ROC curve for XGBoost classification",
                       show.thres  = TRUE,
                       col         = "red2" )

AUC: 0.989

conf_matrix_1 <- caret::confusionMatrix(factor(ifelse(test_results_1$predictions >= 0.5, 1, 0),
                                                levels = c("0", "1"), 
                                                labels = c("retained", "churned")),
                                                levels = c(0, 1), 
                                                labels = c("retained", "churned")),
                                         positive = "churned")

## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction retained churned
##   retained      888      29
##   churned         6     141
##                Accuracy : 0.9671         
##                  95% CI : (0.9545, 0.977)
##     No Information Rate : 0.8402         
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16      
##                   Kappa : 0.8704         
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.0002003      
##             Sensitivity : 0.8294         
##             Specificity : 0.9933         
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.9592         
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.9684         
##              Prevalence : 0.1598         
##          Detection Rate : 0.1325         
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.1382         
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.9114         
##        'Positive' Class : churned        
  • Accuracy: 0.9671

  • Sensitivity: 0.8294

  • Specificity: 0.9933

  • Kappa: 0.8704

  • False Negatives: 29

  • False Positives: 6

🔧 Tune XGBoost

Step 8 - Set hyperparameters


xgb_estimator$set_hyperparameters(objective        = "binary:logistic",
                                  min_child_weight = 1 )


hyperp_ranges <- list(num_round = sagemaker$tuner$IntegerParameter(50L, 500L),
                      max_depth = sagemaker$tuner$IntegerParameter(2L, 15L),
                      eta =sagemaker$tuner$ContinuousParameter(0.01,0.4,"Logarithmic"),
                      colsample_bytree = sagemaker$tuner$ContinuousParameter(0.3,0.8),
                      alpha = sagemaker$tuner$IntegerParameter(1L, 15L))

Create HyperparameterTuner object.

SageMaker supports two tuning methods: Bayesian optimization (default) and random search. There is currently no grid search option. Let’s stick with Bayesian.

  • max_jobs - Maximum number of training jobs executed

  • max_parallel_job: Number of training jobs executed in parallel

tuner <- sagemaker$tuner$HyperparameterTuner(estimator             = xgb_estimator,
                                             objective_metric_name = "validation:auc",
                                             objective_type        = "Maximize",
                                             hyperparameter_ranges = hyperp_ranges, 
                                             strategy              = "Bayesian",
                                             max_jobs              = 100L,
                                             max_parallel_jobs     = 3L )

Define S3 location of data sets and tuning job name.

algo <- "xgb"
timestamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
job_name_y <- paste(project, algo, timestamp, sep = "-")
s3_train_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_train,
                                                 content_type = 'csv')
s3_valid_input <- sagemaker$inputs$TrainingInput(s3_data = s3_validation,
                                                 content_type = 'csv')
input_data <- list('train'      = s3_train_input,
                   'validation' = s3_valid_input)

Step 9 - Start tuning job

tuner$fit(inputs   = input_data, 
          job_name = job_name_y,
          wait     = FALSE ) # If TRUE, call will wait until job completes


# [1] "Completed"

Step 10 - Evaluate tuning job results

tuning_job_results <- sagemaker$HyperparameterTuningJobAnalytics(job_name_y)
tuning_results_df <- tuning_job_results$dataframe()

head(tuning_results_df, n = 3)
#   alpha colsample_bytree        eta max_depth num_round                            TrainingJobName
# 1     2        0.6871357 0.13871194        15       241 churn-xgb-2021-08-06-03-56-45-100-03dd1b49
# 2     2        0.5947285 0.09493995        14       500 churn-xgb-2021-08-06-03-56-45-099-29087499
# 3     1        0.5546992 0.04806042        15       498 churn-xgb-2021-08-06-03-56-45-098-f9263ea8
#   TrainingJobStatus FinalObjectiveValue   TrainingStartTime     TrainingEndTime TrainElapsedTimeSec
# 1         Completed             0.99394 2021-08-06 05:52:41 2021-08-06 05:53:39                  58
# 2         Completed             0.99328 2021-08-06 05:49:44 2021-08-06 05:50:54                  70
# 3         Completed             0.99445 2021-08-06 05:49:25 2021-08-06 05:50:55                  90

Plot time series chart to show how AUC developed over 100 training jobs, tuned by the Bayesian optimizer.

ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(TrainingEndTime, FinalObjectiveValue)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("Time") +  ylab(tuning_job_results$description()$TrainingJobDefinition$StaticHyperParameters$`_tuning_objective_metric`) +
  ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning AUC",  
          "Progression over the period of all 100 training jobs") +

The next plots show how the Bayesian optimizer focused on the region of the search space that produced the best models.

ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(num_round, eta)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = FinalObjectiveValue)) +
  scale_color_viridis("AUC", option = "H") +
  ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning AUC", 
          "Using a Bayesian strategy") +

ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(colsample_bytree, alpha)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = FinalObjectiveValue)) +
  scale_color_viridis("AUC", option = "H") +
  ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning AUC", 
          "Using a Bayesian strategy") +

ggplot(tuning_results_df, aes(num_round, max_depth)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = FinalObjectiveValue)) +
  scale_color_viridis("AUC", option = "H") +
  ggtitle("Hyperparameter tuning AUC", 
          "Using a Bayesian strategy") +

🏆 Select Best Models

best_tuned_model <- tuning_results_df %>%
                    #filter(FinalObjectiveValue == max(FinalObjectiveValue)) %>%
                    arrange(desc(FinalObjectiveValue)) %>% 
                    head(n=1) %>% pull(TrainingJobName)

training_job_stats <- session$describe_training_job(job_name = best_tuned_model)

final_metrics_2 <-  map_df(training_job_stats$FinalMetricDataList, 
                           ~tibble(metric_name = .x[["MetricName"]],
                                   value       = .x[["Value"]]))


## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   metric_name     value
##   <chr>           <dbl>
## 1 validation:auc  0.995
## 2 train:auc       1.00 
## 3 ObjectiveMetric 0.995

Step 11 - Create transformer object

predictions_path_2 <- paste0(models_path, "/", best_tuned_model, "/predictions")


xgb_batch_predictor_2 <- sagemaker$transformer$Transformer(model_name     = best_tuned_model,
                                                           instance_count = 1L, 
                                                           instance_type  = "ml.m5.4xlarge",   
                                                           strategy       = "MultiRecord",  
                                                           assemble_with  = "Line",
                                                           output_path    = predictions_path_2)


## [1] "churn-xgb-2021-08-06-03-56-45-081-e16d7d4b"

Step 12 - Start batch prediction job

xgb_batch_predictor_2$transform(data         = s3_test, 
                                content_type = 'text/csv',
                                split_type   = "Line",
                                job_name     = best_tuned_model,
                                wait         = FALSE) # If TRUE, call will wait until job completes

## [1] "Completed"

Step 13 - Download test set predictions

s3_downloader <- sagemaker$s3$S3Downloader()

s3_test_predictions_path_2 <- s3_downloader$list(predictions_path_2)

s3_downloader$download(s3_test_predictions_path_2, "./predictions")
test_predictions_2 <- read_csv("./predictions/churn_test.csv.out",
                               col_names = FALSE) %>% 

churn_test <- read_csv("./data/churn_test_2.csv")

test_results_2 <- tibble(truth       = churn_test$attrition_flag,
                         predictions = test_predictions_2)


## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   truth predictions
##   <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1     0    0.000535
## 2     0    0.140   
## 3     0    0.000582
## 4     0    0.000341
## 5     1    0.974   
## 6     0    0.00112

Step 14 - Evaluate test set predictions

roc_obj_2 <- roc(test_results_2$truth, 
                 plot        = TRUE,         
                 grid        = TRUE,
                 print.auc   = TRUE,
                 legacy.axes = TRUE, 
                 main        = "ROC curve for XGBoost classification using the best model",
                 show.thres  = TRUE,
                 col         = "red2" )

Confusion matrix

conf_matrix_2 <- confusionMatrix(factor(ifelse(test_results_2$predictions >= 0.5, 1, 0),
                                        levels = c("0", "1"), 
                                        labels = c("retained", "churned")),
                                        levels = c(0, 1), 
                                        labels = c("retained", "churned")),           
                                 positive = "churned")


## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction retained churned
##   retained      890      22
##   churned         4     148
##                Accuracy : 0.9756         
##                  95% CI : (0.9644, 0.984)
##     No Information Rate : 0.8402         
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16      
##                   Kappa : 0.9049         
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.0008561      
##             Sensitivity : 0.8706         
##             Specificity : 0.9955         
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.9737         
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.9759         
##              Prevalence : 0.1598         
##          Detection Rate : 0.1391         
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.1429         
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.9331         
##        'Positive' Class : churned        
  • Accuracy: 0.9756

  • Sensitivity: 0.8706

  • Specificity: 0.9955

  • Kappa: 0.9049

  • False Negatives: 22

  • False Positives: 4

Save this model as our churn_model. boto_client$list_models() returns the model with the best ‘Objective metric value’ as the first object.

boto_client <- session$boto_session$client("sagemaker")
churn_model <- boto_client$list_models()[["Models"]] %>% 
               map_chr("ModelName") %>% 

## [1] "churn-xgb-2021-08-06-03-56-45-081-e16d7d4b"

Step 15 - Create endpoint configuration

We can deploy the model so we (or anyone we give permission to) can use it to make more bank customer churn predictions. We still need to run inference on our churn_holdout data and submit those predictions to the SLICED competition for scoring.

config_name <- paste0(churn_model, "-config")
session$create_endpoint_config(name                   = config_name,
                               model_name             =  churn_model, 
                               initial_instance_count = 1L, 
                               instance_type          = "ml.m5.4xlarge")

Step 16 - Create endpoint

endpoint_name <- "churn-endpoint"
session$create_endpoint(endpoint_name = endpoint_name, 
                        config_name   = config_name,
                        wait          = FALSE)

Check via the API when the endpoint is successfully deployed and available. Might take 5-10 minutes.

boto_client$describe_endpoint(EndpointName = endpoint_name)[["EndpointStatus"]]

## [1] "InService"

Step 17 - Make real-time predictions against the endpoint (not batch)

  • Predictor object - Makes prediction requests to the inference endpoint
  • Serializer object - Encodes data for inference endpoint
  • Deserializer object - Decodes data from inference endpoint
csv_serializer <- sagemaker$serializers$CSVSerializer()
csv_deserializer <- sagemaker$deserializers$CSVDeserializer()
churn_predictor <- sagemaker$predictor$Predictor(endpoint_name     = endpoint_name, 
                                                 sagemaker_session = session, 
                                                 serializer        = csv_serializer,
                                                 deserializer      = csv_deserializer)

Let’s just check the first 5 test_set entries to make sure it worked. We already ran a batch transform job, so the results should be the same. This is just to test the endpoint.

test_set <- read_csv("./data/churn_test.csv", col_names = FALSE, n_max = 5) %>% 

real_time_predictions_1 <- churn_predictor$predict(data = test_set) %>% 
                           .[[1]] %>% 

batch_predictions <- read_csv("./predictions/churn_test.csv.out", col_names = FALSE, n_max = 5) %>% 

data.frame(real_time_predictions_1, batch_predictions)

##   real_time_predictions_1 batch_predictions
## 1            0.0005347708      0.0005347708
## 2            0.1397440583      0.1397440583
## 3            0.0005816696      0.0005816696
## 4            0.0003410776      0.0003410776
## 5            0.9742197990      0.9742197990


1 model, 2 prediction pipelines, same results.

🎯 Predict w/ Holdout

Use the endpoint to predict churn from our holdout data.

holdout_set <- read_csv("./data/churn_holdout.csv", col_names = FALSE) %>% 
real_time_predictions_2 <- churn_predictor$predict(data = holdout_set) %>% 
                           .[[1]] %>% 

📬 Submission

Save and submit to SLICED s01e07 on Kaggle.

churn_holdout_id <- read_csv("data/churn_holdout_id.csv", col_names = FALSE)

submission <- data.frame(churn_holdout_id, real_time_predictions_2) %>% 
              rename(id = X1, attrition_flag = real_time_predictions_2)

write.csv(submission, "sliced_s01_e07_submission.csv", row.names = FALSE)

The evaluation algorithm for this competition was LogLoss, so the lowest score wins. My submission scored 0.07622, which would have been 8th place (out of 36 competitors and 130 submissions). The winning score was 0.06800. Competitors only had 2 hours to submit, so this is not a fair comparison, but it does show how a well-tuned XGBoost model can make great predictions without much feature engineering. To improve the model, we could log transform certain numeric variables, up/down-sample with {themis} to balance the data, remove low-performing features, and/or tune additional hyperparameters. There should be room to improve model performance.

(Delete the endpoint so you’re not billed more $$$)

Todd Warczak PhD
Todd Warczak PhD
Molecular & Cellular Biologist /
Data Scientist

Doubling down with R for a career in data science.